Embrace Your Sensuality: Inspiring Self-Love Quotes

Zora Barnwell By Zora Barnwell
3 Min Read

When we hear self-love, we think of many things, but we rarely think about our sexuality. We are often shamed for inducing in our sexual self, but the truth is it is essential to express yourself sexually if you want to improve your overall wellness.

Here are some self-love quotes that will help you embody your sexuality.

”Sexuality is one of the ways that we become enlightened because it leads us to self-knowledge.”

”Sex is always about emotions. Good sex is about free emotions; bad sex is about blocked emotions.”

Allow yourself to radiate your sexual energy.”

”Honour your core sexual values and express.’

”Time spent in self-reflection is never wasted – it is an intimate date with yourself.”

”Honest self-understanding liberates us from our stuck emotions.”

”Our self-image, strongly held, essentially determines what we become.”

”Don’t settle for a relationship that won’t let you be yourself.”

”sexual energy is a powerful force that creates your entire life.”

”Any body shame or unhealthy sexual beliefs will end up affecting your self-esteem, relationships, and career.”

”There is unbelievable power in ownership, and you should own their sexuality.”

”Masturbation is about so much more than arriving at orgasm. It’s about the journey and truly loving yourself.”

”Don’t knock masturbation. It’s sex with someone I love.”

”Masturbation is our first and natural form of sexual activity, and if that’s inhibited or damaged, then we suffer for the rest of our lives.”

”Sexual expression is a discovery of wholeness in self and within the passionate union.”

”Our sexual pleasure happens within us, not on or inside our partner’s genitals.”

”Sexuality is less about the actual act of having sex, much more about surrounding yourself with an ever simmering sensual energy, pulsing just underneath your daily life and infusing almost everything you do.”

”Release sexual shame and access your true harmonious self through sexual healing.”

”To live in harmony, we must also connect with our sexuality.”

”It’s easier to listen to others. It’s harder to listen to yourself. Unlock the sensual sound within you.”

”You can be whatever you want to and still be a sexual being.”

”Trying to disconnect myself from my sexuality actually pulled me closer. You can’t run away from yourself.”

”Self-love is when you accept all part of yourself, including your sexuality.”

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